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Concrete/Clay Tiles..
Marley Mendip Tile -
A double pantile design with elegant flowing lines providing instant visual appeal.
Minimum pitch - 17.5° Smooth (75mm headlap) Minimum pitch - 30° Granular (75mm headlap)
15° Smooth (100mm headlap) 25° Granular (100mm headlap)
Maximum Pitch - 90°

Marley Double Roman Tile -
A double pantile design with elegant flowing lines providing instant visual appeal.
Minimum pitch - 17.5° Smooth (75mm headlap) Minimum pitch - 30° Granular (75mm headlap)
15° Smooth (100mm headlap) 25° Granular (100mm headlap)
Maximum Pitch - 90°

Marley Ludlow Tile -
Simple strong lines exploit the interplay between light and shade.
Minimum pitch - 25° Smooth (75mm headlap) Minimum pitch - 30° Granular (75mm headlap)
22.5° Smooth (100mm headlap)
Maximum Pitch - 90°

Marley Modern Tile -
A flat, smooth singe lap interlocking design whose appearance is enhanced by the required broken bind laying pattern.
Minimum pitch - 22.5° Smooth (75mm headlap) Minimum pitch - 30° Granular (75mm headlap)
17.5° Smooth (100mm headlap) 25° Granular (100mm headlap)
Maximum Pitch - 90°
Marley Anglia Tile -
A single lap interlocking concrete tile with the classic clay pantile profile and a bull nose leading edge design.
Minimum pitch - 30° Smooth (75mm headlap) Minimum pitch - 30° Granular (75mm headlap)
25° Smooth (100mm headlap)
Maximum Pitch - 90°
Marley Ludlow Plus Tile -
Ideal for refurbishment applications where its smaller format reduces wastage.
Minimum pitch - 25° Smooth (75mm headlap) Minimum pitch - 30° Granular (75mm headlap)
22.5° Smooth (100mm headlap)
Maximum Pitch - 90°

Marley Wessex Tile -
Designed to shed water efficiently at pitches down to 15degrees, the Wessex has clean and simple lines with a pleasing minimalist style.
Minimum pitch - 15° Smooth (75mm headlap)
Maximum Pitch - 44°

Marley Concrete Plain Tile -
The authentic, traditional design of the Marley Eternit Plain tile gives it the looks to match its outstanding versatility.
Minimum pitch - 35°
Maximum Pitch - 90°

Hawkins/ACME Single Clay Tile -
Natural clay machine made single cambered plain tiles offering crisp contemporary lines with the warmth and character of clay for an affordable price.
Minimum pitch - 30°
Maximum Pitch - 90°

Hawkins/ACME Clay Tile + 1/2 -
Natural clay machine made plain tiles with longitudinal and latitudinal camber are able to create highly textured roofscapes with accentuated light and shade.

Clay Eaves Tile -
Universal Dry verge are hassle free and very easy to install. Can be used on a roof pitch on up to 55 degrees. Sold in a variety of different colours to match the tile choice.

Concrete Eaves Tile -
Universal Dry verge are hassle free and very easy to install. Can be used on a roof pitch on up to 55 degrees. Sold in a variety of different colours to match the tile choice.